Friday, December 15, 2023

Silkyara Tunnel: 41 Ambulances Arrive as Rescue Nears Completion

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As the Uttarakhand tunnel rescue operation enters its final stages, 41 ambulances have arrived at the site, prepared for the swift evacuation of the trapped workers. Ground zero reports from Nexs X, covering the ongoing rescue efforts in the completion stage said “workers can come out of the tunnel anytime”

Stretcher arrangements have been meticulously organized, further affirming the advanced stage of the rescue mission. Over the course of 17 days, various drilling techniques, both vertical and manual, have been employed to access the trapped individuals within the tunnel.

Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami, closely monitoring the ongoing rescue, expressed confidence in the progress made, stating, ‘All the experts have been working for a long time. Fifty-two meters of drilling work has been done, everyone is fine, everyone is full of energy. We hope the work will be completed as soon as possible. The manner in which the work is ongoing, we hope that there will be a breakthrough very soon.’

As the rescue operation enters its critical phase, the collaborative efforts of rescue teams, ambulances, and the arranged stretchers signify a coordinated approach to ensuring the safe evacuation of the trapped workers. The collective resolve and dedication of those involved in the rescue mission continue to be paramount in this challenging endeavor.”

With 41 ambulances on standby, the anticipation grows for the workers’ imminent exit from the tunnel, marking a critical milestone in the arduous and collaborative rescue operation.”

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