Friday, December 15, 2023

Haridwar: ‘Har Ki Pauri’ Wearing a Deserted Look Amid Severe Cold Conditions

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The Meteorological Department has issued a 48-hour Orange Alert, which includes Udham Singh Nagar and Haridwar. People who live in the plains claimed that because of extreme cold waves and hazy circumstances, they are having a lot of difficulties.

Ghats at the famed Har Ki Pauri, which were formerly crowded with pilgrims, are now vacant. Every year, the administration set up a bonfire for the convenience of the faithful, but this year, the local government did not.

The authorities, according to devotees, failed to make heating arrangements for those coming from afar this year.

According to the pilgrims who travelled from Dharmanagar to Har Ki Pauri, the extreme cold prevented the usual population from gathering on the ghats. The government hasn’t set up any heating either.

“This place is quite chilly. There aren’t many followers here. Prem Sharma, a devotee from Delhi who had travelled to Haridwar, said that the water was “chilling.”

We arrived in Haridwar. This region is being hit by a cold wave. There are no heating systems in place. This year, there aren’t many devotees here, said Varanasi-born Subodh Kashi, another devotee.

The same worries were also voiced by the Pandits of Har Ki Pauri.

“Cold has left Har Ki Pauri virtually deserted. The firm hasn’t even made any plans for a burning. Who will visit Har Ki Pauri if the devotees are not provided with the amenities? In the past, the Municipal Corporation would supply the Forest Department with wood for the bonfire. However, now that it has ceased, the cold has left individuals in poor health “they claimed.

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